Saturday , 27 July 2024

C.U.S. GOALS in 1948

When the C.U.S. was created back in 1948, its main goal was to help the refugees and, among them, the many students. Its goals then extended to all young people whatever their religion, philosophy or political opinion. Other goals are the development of the spirit of solidarity towards the underprivileged, internships in social sectors in order to know the world of work better, psychological help (sponsorship by the elders), etc.

After 50 years… in 1994…

EXTRACT of the letter from Mr Gérard JACQUES, Grand Maréchal de la Cour, sent to the Honorary Chairman/Founder of Comité Universitaire de Solidarité on May 18th 1994:

Sa Majesté le Roi m’a confié le soin de vous transmettre ses chaleureuses félicitations pour le travail fructueux que le Comité Universitaire de Solidarité a accompli durant ces cinquante dernières années et ses meilleurs souhaits pour l’heureuse poursuite de ses activité

Other letters have been received, including, in Belgium, from Cardinal Danneels and the President of the Flemish government, and abroad, from the French President, the United Nations in Geneva and the Director-General of UNESCO.